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How To Get Google AdSense Approval For Your WordPress Website In 2023

softi solution AdSense approved

Google AdSense is one of the most popular and successful ad networks for monetizing a website. With
AdSense, you can place ads on your website and get paid when visitors click on them. But how do you
get Google AdSense approval in 2023? Fortunately, it’s not as difficult as it may seem. In this article,
we’ll show you how to quickly and easily get Google AdSense approved for your WordPress website in
2023. We’ll walk you through the steps needed to prepare your site and submit your application, so you
can start making money with AdSense as soon as possible!

What is Google AdSense?

Google AdSense is a program that allows website owners to place targeted ads on their site and earn
money from clicks. The program is free to join, and anyone with a website can apply.

AdSense works by matching ads to your site content. When someone visits your site and clicks on an
ad, you earn money. AdSense is a great way to monetize your website and can provide a steady stream
of income.

To get started, simply create an account with Google and submit your website for review. Once your site
is approved, you can start placing ads on your site and earning money.

How to Apply for Google AdSense

If you’re looking to monetize your WordPress site with Google AdSense, you’ll need to apply for an
account. Here’s how:

1. Go to and click “Sign up now.”

2. Enter your email address and create a password, then click “Next.”

3. On the next page, enter your website URL and select a category that best describes your site content.
Then click “Submit.”

4. Google will review your application and let you know if you’ve been approved or not within a few days.

What are the Requirements for Google AdSense?

In order to get Google AdSense approval for your WordPress website, there are a few requirements that
you must meet. First, your website must be active and have at least 10 posts published. Secondly, you
must be the owner of your website and have full control over its content. Lastly, your website must be in
compliance with Google’s terms and conditions.

If you meet all of the requirements listed above, then you can submit your website for review by Google
AdSense. Once your website is approved, you will be able to start displaying ads on your site and
earning money from them.

How to Add Google AdSense to Your WordPress Website

Assuming you have a WordPress website set up and ready to go, there are only a few steps you need to
follow in order to add Google AdSense to your site. Here’s a quick rundown of what you need to do:

1. Log into your WordPress account and navigate to the “Plugins” tab in the left-hand menu.

2. Search for the plugin “Ad Inserter” and install it onto your website.

3. Once the plugin is installed, activate it and then click on the new “Ad Inserter” tab that appears in the
left-hand menu.

4. Configure the plugin settings according to your preferences (e.g., Choose where you want ads to
appear on your website, how many ads you want to display, etc.)

5. Copy and paste your Google AdSense code into the appropriate field under the “General Settings”

6. Save your changes and that’s it! You should now start seeing AdSense ads on your WordPress

Tips for Getting Approved for Google AdSense

Google AdSense is one of the most popular ad networks on the internet. They offer a high CPC (cost per
click) and have a wide range of ad products that can be used on your website. AdSense can be a great
way to monetize your website and earn some extra income.

However, getting approved for Google AdSense can be difficult, especially if you’re new to the platform.
In this article, we’ll give you some tips on how to get approved for Google AdSense.

1. Make sure your website is high-quality and informative. Google wants to approve websites that add
value to their users. That means your site should be well-designed and offer helpful, original content.

2. Avoid using illegal or copyrighted material. This will not only get you rejected from AdSense, but it
could also get you in legal trouble. Play it safe by sticking to original content that you have the rights to

3. Don’t try to cheat the system. Google is very good at detecting sites that are trying to game the
system. If they catch you, you’ll be banned from AdSense permanently. So play fair and follow their
guidelines closely.

4. Be patient. The approval process can take several weeks, so don’t get discouraged if you don’t hear
back right away. Just keep working on improving your site and following the guidelines, and eventually
you should be approved


Google AdSense is a great way to monetize your WordPress website and make some extra income.
With our tips on how to get Google AdSense approval for your WordPress website in 2023, you should
now be well equipped with the knowledge of what it takes to successfully apply and get approved into the
program. Just remember that patience is key, as sometimes it could take weeks before you hear back
from them after submitting your application. Good luck!


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